Dr Who ? & Humpty Dumpty
Its hard to concentrate on music or anything else for that matter when you're not only dealing with 101 different symptoms coming at you from all directions but you seem to be inflating at tha speed of knots. So my Big aching swollen belly still hasn’t deflated two months on and seeing as it feels like I’m lugging humpty dumpty around and its hurting my back and I can no longer fit in my clothes and i'm hiding tha lump under my hoodies lol! I thought it was time to pay a visit to tha docs......and for those whose minds are jumping to conclusions at this minute, thinkin "preggers" let me just say it would have to be an immaculate conception, although that did happen once, along time ago in biblical times apparently so i s'pose its always possible (GASP!) ......Anyway, when did it become soooooo complex to make sumthin as simple as an appointment ? this was tha conversation i had , tha receptionist is tha “ R” Me:- hallo, can I make an appointment with tha...