Hi, there's no easy way to start this other than to say I've been being bullied since February and it's had a terrible detrimental affect on my health, I've been trying to fight back and despite poor health & not getting anywhere I'll be damned if I'm going to be pushed over the edge and I will not lay down and roll over. I wasn't going to make this public but if it can help even one other person to not feel alone or to not give up then it will be worth it. You might be wondering who this ass of an individual is that has hounded me to the point that a few weeks ago I was physically sick from all the stress? But it's not an individual, it is in fact the Government's appointed Health assessment team. I have numbered the sections of what's happened up to this week, 24 to be precise, to keep it simple to read, although you might still want to grab a large coffee and some biccies?... 1. As many of you know, My main conditions...