Resolution Time & Appreciation

Busy! Busy! Busy! Rush! Rush! Rush! from the moment we open our eyes in the morning our brain starts whirring or in my case spluttering and not making much sense until about 10am, thanks to an infusion of Coffee and as little human interaction as possible. Have you noticed we're a generation that is forever thinking & chattering away in our own head, what we've got to do today, whether we're good enough, always trying to stay one thought ahead, and always self-sabotaging like it's the whole point in being here? When we're not doing that we have our face glued to a screen, be it the (not so) Smart Phone, Computer, Netflix yadda yadda! ... ah no, silly me, you wouldn't have noticed would you? We've become so disconnected from each other AND ourselves that we're becoming as automated as most of the UK's customer services, ya know... Press 1, Press 2, Please state the reason why you're here after the tone? I'm sorry I didn't ...