Are Muscles Cramping Your Style ?

I often see status’s from people with M.E worried about certain symptoms & It’s the same worries and symptoms I’ve seen time and time again over the years, so I thought I’d write a few blogs over the coming weeks that will hopefully address and alleviate some of those worries. I’m going to concentrate on one symptom at a time so as not to overwhelm and hopefully it will be more easy to digest and more helpful. The aim of this blog is to try and reassure, in a fun informative way, but I’m not a doctor, and I don’t know your circumstances, this is purely from my own 24 year journey and experience from living with M.E, so if you’re having any symptoms it’s important to get it checked out. This first blog looks at muscle Spasms and chest pain. Having observed my mum & dad in my childhood years I’d always thought a muscle spasm was just cramp, something people only got in their foot or leg that caused them to hop around th...