It's a Mare They're Not Watford?

So a leaflet just dropped through the letterbox with "George for Mayor, Let's Work Together" emblazoned on the front. My first thought was......... But it was accompanied with a picture, turns out it wasn't the George I was thinking of after all, but someone called George Jabbour. So he was born in Watford right? Has Watford running through his blood? Loves the town and its people with a passion that only a Watfordian can and that's why we know he'll do the best for us huh?, He c ame to the Uk 13 yrs ago and has a degree in Engineering from Damascus University though? So....where's the connection to Watford? He did start up a small business to help governments with their finances? Yep, but what about Watford? He become a British Citizen in 2011 because they accepted his a highly skilled migrant? Yes, well done him an all that, but Watford? He campaigned for Scotland to stay in the UK? Yeah but what about.........