So M.E & Jaws, You’re probably hearing the theme music in your head right now huh?......Well have no fear, I’m not talking big scary fish with large mouth & sharp teeth, I’m talking TMJ also known as TMD (Temporomandibular joint disorders/dysfunction). Over the years I’ve often seen people in M.E chat rooms talk about developing pain in their jaw and things such as their mouth getting stuck for a split second when they open it, causing them to panic, and also a clicking sound….well this is likely to be TMJ. This was one of the many symptoms I developed after getting M.E/Fibromyalgia, Now whether there is a link is still under scientific study, but look at it like this, when I was diagnosed with M.E but still being passed around consultants, a neurologist gave me an added diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, he said that most people he saw with M.E went on to develop Fibromyalgia even if they weren’t aware of it. He continued that