
Showing posts from April, 2013


So in the run up to MAY 5 th & the single I’m releasing in aid of M.E awareness month “Don’t Say Nuthin If It Ain’t Worthwhile” I’ve started putting  together a slideshow of photos to tell a story as I did with the last track “I Cant Stand Tha Rain”  But the idea for it started many months back & I thought it would be a cool idea to get some celebrities on board. As some of you will know I’ve invited those of you with M.E to email me photos of yourself with your mouth covered, (you still have til 20 th April) and there’s been some brilliant ones coming in so far.Tha idea was to have some celebrity photos slotted in of them doing tha same thing as way of showing support.  I started politely emailing management companies to various celebrities with an explanation to what I was trying to achieve  & asked whether they would consider their clients getting involved, but then I realised that nobody was ever going to respond…..and guess what?....none ...


Ane Brun-Words                                   Well peeps, I will be stepping back from the digital age from here on, I will however keep to my word and finish what I started as far as the M.E single to raise awareness goes including the slideshow to go with it, so remember if you would like to be a part of it, send me your photo with mouth covered and how long you’ve had M.E via private inbox, by Friday 5 th April, I’m not lookin for   professional shots, it can be on your mobile phone, its about giving those with M.E who want to help raise awareness a chance to take part , you can use humour or just your hand to cover your mouth, its all good. Huge Thanx to those of you who have already sent your pics, they’re awesome ;) The track along with the slideshow on May 5 th will be my last Facebook posting for the foreseeable future, & due to circumstances out of my control with ad...