One Step Beyond ?

It may seem madness that as we start 2025 the DWP have already announced some of its plans to ramp up its intimidation and fear mongering of disabled claimants  and this is going to include using social media.

They've stated they aim on hiring  teams of people to search social media for claimants and look for posts so that they can build a case against them. We're not talking organised  criminals fleecing the system of hundreds of thousands here although that's what they are leading the public to believe with one breath,  but in another they state they will be looking at peoples posts to see if they're  doing something they've perhaps said they cant do on a claim form, or any activity that could show they aren't as ill/disabled as they have stated. Now there's a huge problem with this......

Firstly as we all know, people can create false lives for different reasons, photos can be photo shopped,  someone bed-bound that never leaves their room can create  a social media  presence that is the complete opposite, its not hard to do?  Secondly  the forms and subsequent assessments are designed for an individual to fail or be classed as fraudulent. As an example, during my assessment  on the section where i was asked about  eating, I explained about the difficulties with choking (unsafe swallow) due to exhaustion and also muscle problems.  I was then  asked what meal  is easiest to eat  over the day?   I explained that as my illness fluctuates it was impossible to answer . Ignoring this the assessor  pressed ahead,  breakfast ? Lunch? Dinner? Supper?  so I repeated why it would be impossible to answer honestly. I was then told I HAD to choose one because failing to do so would jeopardize my renewal claim, "Shall we say breakfast?"  she said.  When the report came back it stated I'd received no points for problems with eating due to the fact I'd said breakfast was the easiest meal to eat over the day therefore I could eat something between the hours of  7-12 if i wanted ? When i questioned this, I was then told the decision was also based on the fact  for unsafe swallow I wasn't under a Psychiatrist ? Eating disorder clinic?  or Weightloss consultant ? 

Er...hallo, firstly I've had M.E for 34 yrs, hospitals tend not to keep you in the system that long, plus as there was and still is nothing they can really do for M.E sufferers due to the neglect of governments and the medical profession  we had to find our own way of coping, which I have, secondly unsafe swallow is one of the many physical symptoms of M.E, DWP  accept M.E but they won't accept the  symptoms of M.E unless there's proof of each symptom, and their suggestions of the consultants I should be under only goes to show their complete ignorance ?

There's not a day goes by when I don't see the media jumping on the fear mongering bandwagon, with photos of police with battering rams smashing in someone's door with the headline that DWP are going to be given powers to raid claimants homes,  remove any items  they want, they will also be able to check bank accounts, take money out of bank accounts, the legislations have got to go through court yet, they may not even pass, and yet government ministers and the media seem hell bent on causing as much anxiety as possible. It's heartbreaking to see and read about so many vulnerable people being terrorised  and bullied in this way.  This behaviour will not deter criminals or save money, criminals will have the health, energy and know- how to continue ripping off the system, this is, as always about targeting those vulnerable whose money will be easy to stop, easy to take and save the government a few quid.

The fact of the matter is #DWP are one of the most corrupt departments that exist, they lie, create papers, files and situations regarding a claimant that have never occured to secure a  false conviction, they will do whatever it takes including lying on oath in a court of law, so to give them even more powers is terrifying and doesn't bear thinking about ?

For all those waiting, I would say to have hope, despite what the newspapers are reporting and the government are saying, it all has to be passed and it hasn't as yet, in fact the DWP lost a major court case today regarding changes to the work and capability  assessment, so there is much to be optimistic about....for now at least.


                                        Til Next Time

                                      Back Before Elvis




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