When Royal Mail Signed For...Er...Isn't Signed For?

What if you paid to send something  "Signed For" via Royal Mail only to be told it doesn't get signed for?...... Confused ? 
When it comes to  business or other important matters, like many I use the "Signed For" option as it gives me peace of mind, I trust it will have more chance of getting to the person I'm sending it to, I can also track it online and breathe a sigh of relief when I see the signature, only I found out yesterday, much to my shocked  "Hang on that can't be right" facial expression, that when it comes to large organisations such as D.W.P you're "Signed For" document doesn't get ......"Signed For"?

This all started because as a Disability/Health Campaigner I started a complaint procedure  against the Medical assessment center and  D.W.P  for their handling and treatment of claimants. but hadn't had a response despite it being four weeks so I checked the tracking number via the online Royal Mail site but there was no signature or information other than the name of the Post office I'd first taken it to.

I contacted Royal Mail, they apologized and said that if I could verify the Medical center hadn't received the letter they would send me out £4.20 in stamps . I don't know about you but I'd much  prefer my letter to just get to where I want it to go?  I asked why there was no signature showing on the Royal Mail site? And was told in a sheepish manner that it's something the Royal Mail are looking into doing something about but at the moment with large organisations such as D.W.P  customers "Signed For" letters don't get "Signed For". It seems that because the mail is dropped of in a big load someone just signs for the lot, so the tracking number on an individual customers receipt really means diddly squat?   Isn't that fraudulent ? Why am I paying for "Signed" when it's clearly and knowingly  not being done ? And why haven't Royal Mail made the public aware of this? 
I came off the phone and rang the Medical assessment center where they too apologized and confirmed they hadn't received the letter, plus they also confirmed they don't get any "Signed For" letters in any of the departments, because it's such a large place  and there's such alot of mail, it all  arrives at the depot and then  someone will just sign the bottom of a spreadsheet for the whole lot? 

So there you go, it will be interesting to see how the Royal Mail will get themselves out of this one? But if you're sending anything to D.W.P  save your money, ditch the "Signed For" and just stick a normal stamp on it.

                                                      Until Next Time, Stay Blessed
                                                                Back Before Elvis


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