It's a Mare They're Not Watford?

So a leaflet just dropped through the letterbox with  "George for Mayor, Let's Work Together" emblazoned on the front. My first thought was.........

But it was accompanied with a picture, turns out it wasn't the George I was thinking of after all, but someone called George Jabbour. So he was born in Watford right?  Has Watford running through his blood? Loves the town and its people with a passion that only a Watfordian can and that's why we know he'll do the best for us huh?, He came to the Uk 13 yrs ago and has a degree in Engineering from Damascus University though?

So....where's the  connection to Watford?

He did start up a small business to help governments with their finances?

Yep, but what about Watford? 

He  become a British Citizen in 2011 because they accepted his a highly skilled migrant?

Yes, well done him an all that, but Watford?

He campaigned for Scotland to stay in the UK?

Yeah but what about........oh never mind.

For me it's simple, I believe the best & only  person for the job of Watford Mayor is someone that was  born and bred in Watford, isn't that just common sense?  

The politicians promote their candidates like a business , there's no geniune love, concern or passion for Watford and its people, it's just a calculated, manipulating cold hard sell to get a position and I for one aren't fooled.

Look at  Dorothy Thornhill?....not literally, wouldn't want anyone losing their breakfast, but if ever there was a fake mayor spouting fake love for Watford then look no further. It's all photo opportunities and typical self trumpet blowing, and lets not forget a town centre, market & community ripped apart. Despite warnings about what would happen with the Market the move  went ahead anyway and then she tried to blame its failure on the public? 

 As for the  Harlequin/Intu, units became empty because the rents were too high and stores couldn't survive, so how on earth is making it even bigger going to solve the problem? Once it opens and the novelty wears off they'll just be an even bigger monstrosity with even more empty units, but hey who cares when there's deals to be done & palms to be greased, for the good of Watford my arse. 

The best person to love Watford & have its best interest at heart is a Watfordian, it's like a Childminder, they might love looking after another persons kid everyday, but they're never going to love it like they love their own? 

So if it's not too much to ask can we have  a Watford Mayor that actually comes from Watford please? 

Failing that I'll settle for George,...yes, the pink one, or even Bungle & Zippy, there's no documented evidence to say they weren't born in Watford & I trust they'd do a better job. Cheers.

                                     Back Before Elvis                                    
                                  Til Then Stay Blessed x   


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