Shall We Dance?

Well, Firstly apologies, having tried since eight oclock this morning to post the column to the Watford Observer I've been unable to do so. It also means that all the attempts have failed and all work lost and I've had to start again, nonetheless I persevered to no avail. So I've made the decision to publish the column here instead, in the hope you'll agree its better read than not?

 I find this all  majorly  disappointing , but i'm afraid its all out of my hands

I've written everything out yet again and  hope you enjoy the column and will share it nonetheless? 

Oh my goodness  I got to dance, it was probably more cat trying to get out of a swimming pool than Michael Jackson in resemblance, but hey who cares, I enjoyed throwing my limbs around , but more about that later, lots to catch up on this week so if you’re  ready?......

After predicting that Watford would beat Crystal Palace and that women are always right I wasn’t sure whether I should shuffle sheepishly into this weeks Column?  But I do believe it could’ve gone our way if not for the referees’ decisions….or lack of them. I couldn’t help thinking he’d of been better suited to Conga Choreography with the simplicity of, 1, 2, 3, kick, rather than the complexities of football.

But come the 2017-2018 season it’s hoped a trial of video assistant referees will be rolled out. It would only apply to key incidents like penalties, red cards and important goal related things, but the worry is that it will ruin the flow of the game if the referee has to keep stopping the match to  view the video and this is one reason  the International Football Association Board (IFAB) have been reluctant to start the trials. With all the technology we have today & so much money pouring into football I’m surprised it’s taking so long to come up with an effective method, what do you think?

On to my week and first up Congratulations to Maureen Titchener a volunteer  at Shopmobility right here in Watford she was one of the winners in my Runnin On Empty T-shirt Giveaway  & the other winner was  Rosalynde Lemarchand  from  over the channel in France.  All profit from the Runnin On Empty Range goes to charity & you can check it out here

It’s hard to believe that today May 6th marks a whole year since we lost my brother. Last Saturday my sister-in-law held a family memorial in the garden, somewhere my brother loved spending his time and a contemporary sculpture  housing his ashes was revealed. The weather held up long enough for some beautiful words to be said before we headed back in side.

I had to leave early due to a prior engagement of a good friends 50th birthday gathering  (Vyv weltiner)  and the plan was to quietly  moonwalk  out of the front door & into a pre ordered cab  that would take me from Flamstead back to Watford without causing any fuss  ……simple? ….Er….

Half an hour after he should’ve arrived & I should’ve been home I got a call from the driver to inform me he was lost.
“Where are you”?  I asked.
“Friendless” came the reply.
I couldn’t help thinking it must be a very lonely place to live?…anyhow he didn’t have a satnav so  my dad tried and failed to guide him & my sister-in law tried and failed to guide him, by which point it was evident he was Clueless in Friendless.  Thankfully my step-brother offered to run me home despite the fact he’d already driven all the way down from Somerset and they were all about to have dinner,so much for my slipping away without causing a fuss?

By the time I got home there was no time to slot in the much needed rest I needed & instead It was a mad fandango of  necking down a cheese sandwich with Mum, gulping a coffee, getting changed and spinning out of the front door again to head to the party and what a fantastic party it was. If you’ve only got one dance in you there’s  probably no better track than “Show Me Love” by Robin S .

The rest of the night was spent finger drumming on the table & bobbing up and down in my chair while spectating. I wasn’t complaining though, with M.E you’re lucky to get out at all.  There was also an inflatable photo booth, curry, alcohol, and lots of wonderful people….WHOA!  I think I just had a sniff of a social life?  After 25yrs of predominantly being confined to one room it’s hard to tell.

The other thing you should know about M.E is that you can’t do anything without serious consequences, but with an option of daily pain and a zillion awful symptoms for absolutely no reason or a higher level of pain  and a zillion awful symptoms for a little  taste of “Normality”  I’ll opt for the latter thanks very much.

This week also saw my sisters birthday, first one without her, we  had a card made especially and placed it on the table with a lit candle….oh and we ate cake, even if someones no longer here you must still eat cake, it’s obligatory. 

Onto Gizmo/Gadget/Gift of the fortnight and my inner child was bouncing around shouting  “want one, want one”  when I saw this,  in honour of Star Wars….
“The Mind Sword” You’ve really got to check out the video to see the illusions you can pull off. The Ad says it’s  supercool and it certainly looks it, and at just £11.99 I’m sure Big kids and little kids will be heading to the site to get one?

This week Charity Invest In ME talk about  The Snakes and Ladders of Being a small charity with a BIG Cause.
This week we ‘celebrated’ our tenth year as a registered charity.
Yet the charity has mixed feelings as our raison d'ĂȘtre is, paradoxically, not to exist. Our objective is to take us to a position where research into ME is conducted with urgency and treatments are developed so that all patients benefit and there is no need for a charity such as ours to make things happen.

Ten years ago we set out with clear goals in mind – proper education about ME and good quality biomedical research into this disease. This would then automatically lead to better patient care, new treatments being developed, and eventually prevention and cure.
It was as simple as that and we developed this into a proposal for creating a Centre of Excellence for ME.
In reality it has been like finding ourselves in a game of Snakes and Ladders with ups and downs, progress and setbacks. But such is life.

But for the first time in these ten years we feel that our dream of a Centre of Excellence for ME is within reach. How great would that be?  
Next week Watford Hornets travel to Norwich, home of Invest in ME’s Centre of Excellence into ME proposal in Norwich Research Park – one of the largest research parks in Europe.

They play the Canaries who are again in danger of being pushed out of the premiere league after having once again progressed there last year.
It will be a fight of survival for Norwich – going up or going down?
And the parallels with trying to gain progress with ME are striking.
Snakes and ladders indeed,  but we won’t let ME be relegated – even if it takes another 10 years.
Happy weekend.

The word this week is  “Politics” and it was  Greek Philosopher Aristotle that we have to thank for that. Aristotle was a pupil of  the great Philosopher Plato and a tutor to Alexander the Great and he wrote a treaty called “ Ta Politika” which loosely translated   meant “ The Affairs Of State”  his title was based on the word “Polis” which is normally used to indicate ancient Greek cities/states.  

Later it also became the source of  policy, cosmopolitan and Acropolis. After a spot of research, I have to say my award for best explanation has to go to Larry Hardiman who states that “Politics is derived from the word poly meaning many and ticks meaning blood sucking parasites” which kinda says it all don’t you think?

And on that note i'm off to get ready for  National Naked Gardeing weekend.... mind the thorns.....

                                              Stay Blessed

                                       Back Before Elvis x


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