My Award Acceptance & Nomination Blog

While scrolling the Facebook feed as usual I was pleased to see that Tanya Tonks Mawer had been given a blog award for her Fabulous blog   "Crazy Purple Mama"
reading how her and her wonderful family cope in the face of such adversity, the blog award was well placed. The lady that recently started this idea off  is & what a lovely idea it is too.

So I was chuffed and rather suprised that in passing the blog award badge on, Tanya had chosen me to be a recipeient. So big thanx Tanya, the nice news came  just at the right time and really lifted my spirits ;).

Mama Chill and ME

The fabulous Mama Chill is a sufferer of ME and Fibro who not only writes heart warming, humorous and honest blogs about her life with these illnesses in order to raise awareness but is also crazily multi-talented, not only has she written two songs to raise funds for Invest in ME -  ME Awareness singles/videos but has also gone further and designed a range of merchandise to also raise funds for Invest in ME  ME awareness merchandise (I have a Running on Empty Hoody and it is fantastic quality, warm, cosy and just brilliant!)

So now its my we go....


This first nomination goes to a very special young women called Amberlin Wu who sadly isn't with us any longer but whose words from a beautifully written blog have always stayed with me "The Box Story" .  I didn't know Amberlin, I'd never met her, we weren't even Facebook friends, or blogging friends unfortunately, it was only on her passing that I kept seeing her name crop  up in my feed, along with a picture of small red shoes, and I was curious and clicked on it. It was then I found "The box story" and was blown away by how well she wrote, I went on to read her  poems too, how I felt connected to her and understood every word and felt every ounce of frustration and pain with lines such as  " All i can do is write and spit it out onto paper like puddled black spattered ink."

From that day forth the box story & Amberlins writing have always remained with me,  her writing was/is  just so powerful and i'd like to think that she will be happy to know that even though she is no longer physically with us, spiritually she lives on through the words she has left behind. I also hope that a relative or close friend of Amberlin  may see this and will accept this award on her behalf.

Paul along with another nominee haven't written their blog for sometime, but I'm hoping that  being given this award will encourage him back onto the page. Following Pauls Journey with M.E  conjured up every emotion, you would find yourself smiling one minute when he was able to achieve something to feeling his
pain & frustration at slipping back into relapse again, something we can all relate too, its lovely to hear mens take on things aswell, so come on Paul...get back to scribbling.

This is another lady i'm hoping will return to a much loved blog about life with a family and a yurt...thats a carriage to you and I lol! Zarla always wrote with a humorous edge even when extremely poorly, and for anyone old enough to remember the good life with felicty kendall? Zarlas blogs felt like the good life but but with M.E to hinder. So how about bringing the elephant back Zarla?

Now David Slater who writes the blog ,Doesn't have M.E and he doesn't blog about M.E, he blogs about music, so you might wonder why i'm nominating him? Well let me tell you a little bit about him first, David works, has a family and yet he is a massive supporter of unsigned music and when his not at work he sits on the computer promoting artists for free, he does it every single day, just constantly being supportive, and none more so than to me in my efforts to raise M.E awareness, practically every day, David is sharing links out to M.E track "I cant Stand Tha Rain" or " Dont Say Nuthin If It Ain't worthwhile" any posts about M.E I put Up, he shares, retweets, Likes, think of a social networking site and david is signed up and on it, spreading the word, not just once a day but many times a day, sharing out links, he has done this for years and continues to be a mega support and thoroughly deserves some recognition....and if you like discovering new music then Davids the man to find it.

Ah the Big sleep team, another team of wonderful peeps working tirelessly for the cause, and  with a blog thats informative, warm & lighthearted, I always find myself smiling and relating to their blogs, there just isn't enough of them, so hopefully winning this award might mean we get some more :)


Awarded by bloggers, to other bloggers, to acknowledge outstanding endeavour in promoting awareness of Myalgic Enchephalomylitis (ME), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)  and/or Fibromyalgia (FMS).

The blogs receiving the awards do not need to be dedicated solely to ME, CFS or FMS, but they should contain at least one post that has helped to increase awareness.

It is hoped that these Awards will increase blog readerships and also encourage networking between ME & CFS & FMS bloggers themselves.  No matter the title of our diagnosis, patients of these conditions all suffer from a frustrating state of health that is poorly recognised by most of society.


1,   On receiving the ME & CFS & FMS BLOGGER AWARD, you should be directed to a post that describes why you (and others) have been given this award.  The page will also include this set of instructions and the two award images.

2. Please note, you do not need to accept the award.  The aim of the awards is about recognition and a bit of fun, NOT extra work! Please do not feel pressured to participate.

3. To claim your award:

a) Create a new post on your blog, in which you thank the individual who gave you the award  (remember to include a link back to their blog).  You can then copy the images to your blog post and/or side bar as you wish.

Below is the code for adding the small image as a link in your blog side bar if you wish to do so:

<a href="
" target="blank">
<img src=""/>

b) List three to ten blogs that you would like to recommend, giving a brief description of why you think each one is special.  A couple of lines is fine, but be sure to include a link to each blog you name (or specific page if you prefer) so that others are encouraged to visit.

c) Copy and paste these instructions into your post. Copy from the first *** above, to the last *** below to ensure that every thing is included. (Add the images separately if they don't copy automatically. Control-Shift-V also removes crazy formatting during pasting if that is a problem. ;) )

d) Alert your chosen blog owners to their awards by making a comment on the most recent post of their blogs.  The comment could simply read:

"Congratulations, I have nominated your blog to receive an ME & CFS & FMS BLOGGER AWARD.  Please visit <insert link to the post you have just created> to collect your Award"

3. Hopefully these awards will spread far and wide.  I would love to keep track of where the awards end up, so I would be very grateful if participants would also copy their list of awards into a comment beneath this post:
I hope that collecting all the recommendations in one place will help each of us to find and explore new blogs.



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