Hi,   Firstly, thanx to everyone for all the comments and messages, I’ve just had an M.E wobble that cemented my butt to the bed for a few days but I’m getting back & just taking it slow, this is my first FB post so thought it would be better via blog so that it reached more peeps.

No time is ever a good time to have a wobble but It’s extremely frustrating that it came right in the middle of M.E awareness, There is so much I want to do, aswell as continue promoting the track and slideshow I also want to help share and promote everybody elses efforts. There is also loads of emails and questions to answer in my personal inbox aswell as my music profile. So if i haven't answered something yet, hold on to your hats, i'm-a-comin.

There’s also sharing last Sundays radio event on my music page, Vibe presenter Nia was Brillaint and gave plenty of space and  prompts so that we got in Invest In ME, Lets Do It For ME  & even The Big Sleep. There’s a billion and one other things I need to do too….but…as those of us with M.E know it’s a gradual step back to a level of ill health better than the worse level lol!

 My head is still all over the place , very foggy , forgetful and I’m finding I cant handle very much without feeling massive brain overload, which either makes me swear alot or cry alot depending on the situation, but I haven’t killed anyone…….yet…… so its not all bad.

In my last blog I did ironically say I’d be stepping away from this personal page from May 6th, but even though I was working towards M.E awareness month it slipped my mind that it was…….D’OH! So I will obviously hold on and continue with the promoting before leaving to become a Taoist monk, nun, pole dancer, crocodile  dentist or whatever and wherever life takes me, after that I will still keep up the music page and still pop on my personal page occasionally to keep up the M.E competitions. Which reminds me,  I have prizes and chocolate in ready woo hoo, so I’ll  get one sorted in the next few days 

  It takes about 45 days before I get a report on how downloads and what downloads have occurred on the charity single “Don’t Say Nuthin If It Ain’t Worthwhile” so I’ll keep you all posted, in the meantime I will sort out a Free phone ringtone of the chorus…like I said theres lots to do so I’ll get around to it all as soon as poss, that includes returning your calls Ros & Jackie lol! thanx & bless you.
Well that’s it for now I need to start getting back into promoting M.E awareness so I’ll end there, but a mega thanx once again , to everyone and especially the LETS DO IT FOR ME team. Luv Ya, stay blessed XXX


  1. Want to send you the biggest Hug..n Thank-you.. what you accomplish ..puts me to see I do know a little about wanting to accomplish (know how to and have talent to)even this simple little note...gets hard to post with ME brain/etc.
    I can't stand the Rain...plays in my electronics needed,,,n that'sa good thing.

  2. Stacy you are a true star in every sense of the word - thank you for being you and for all that you do to light up our world xx

  3. I`m glad to see your come back but take your time dear Stacy. You have done so much and achieved so much. We all love and care about you. And don`t worry about returning calls. I`m not going anywhere. Sending you some healing hugs xxx

  4. Lovely to see you back again,take it easy for now.Thanks for all you do for everyone.{{{hugz}}} <3


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