Ane Brun-Words

Well peeps, I will be stepping back from the digital age from here on, I will however keep to my word and finish what I started as far as the M.E single to raise awareness goes including the slideshow to go with it, so remember if you would like to be a part of it, send me your photo with mouth covered and how long you’ve had M.E via private inbox, by Friday 5th April, I’m not lookin for  professional shots, it can be on your mobile phone, its about giving those with M.E who want to help raise awareness a chance to take part , you can use humour or just your hand to cover your mouth, its all good. Huge Thanx to those of you who have already sent your pics, they’re awesome ;)

The track along with the slideshow on May 5th will be my last Facebook posting for the foreseeable future, & due to circumstances out of my control with added physical and financial limitation the album will probably be shelved also.   I will still pop online to check any urgent emails  from time to time, wish those whose birthday it is a happy birthday  etc but that will be all.

After that who knows what will happen , but does any of us really know ? Maybe  like the last line  I wrote for the front cover of “Nobody Wants To Know Ya When Ya Nobody”  I will simply just grow old………….

become an eccentric  grumpy full time recluse, grow a beard, smell of wee and bake scones? 

I wish you all Luv N good Things, Stay blessed XXX

One day the boat said to itself
Every boat has its day, its journeys end
When it can no longer sail the world
When it has been patched up too many times
To overcome yet another repair.
Is it not better to watch then with envy from the harbours edge
Than to drift into the storm knowing it will
Sink and be lost forever?
Although surely a boat that cannot sail
Will have its heart sink forever all the same.
Neither is a choice one would want to choose.
It is not the end of the world, that is true
It’s just the end of mine.


  1. I'm really saddened to hear that your album is probably going to be shelved, Stacy. We can't do anything to help you physically, especially from a distance, but what kind of financial help would you need to enable you to possibly continue with the album, should you become physically well enough to continue?

    I presume you've exhausted all options, but please let folk know what would enable you to continue, just in case help could be found.

    Grow a beard and bake scones whatever happens - both will keep you warm in our year 'round winter of austerity. All the best to you, Sarah, oxo

  2. There is nothin you can do my friends, but thankyou, life has been a battle for many years on tha M.E front and as you well know it makes coping with everyday life that much harder. I've had to get up again more times than Elizabeth taylors had husbands , and while i've always approached everything in life "LionHart" stylee even Lions have to laydown
    & go to sleep one day. I have nuthin left in me for anymore battles or starts,or chats. But please dont worry i will be fine & like i said i will still make sure to get the awareness track & slideshow out for 5th May so i'll be drumming up support for more photos for it til then. Thanx again, luv ya stay blessed XXX


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