M.E? shudduppa ya face
Tha problem with M.E apart from having to cope with enough symptoms to fill an encyclopaedia with is it means you have no life, so if you have no life other than M.E what are you expected to talk about? When I’m not recovering from major surgery I do have a little bit of a life that I’ve carved out for myself but that’s taken a long time and takes discipline and determination to carry out because it doesn’t stop my day being consumed by M.E. and everyone copes differently. For those of you that don’t have M.E let me explain, imagine a time when you’ve had raging toothache, you know tha kind, where it feels like your whole heads pulsating and throbbing with pain? now imagine painkillers don’t work, theres nuthin tha dentist can do so you’re just gonna have to get on with it, live like that everyday probably for tha rest of your life……..now throw flu and a hangover into tha mix and everyone expects you to carry on as normal?…I’m just giv...
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