Mending On Tha Slow
So just a little blog update on recovery progress, thanx to
the removal of tha giant space hopper otherwise known as a huuuuuuuuuge mass
from my belly I’m now one and a half stone lighter, unfortunately tha chubs
also shifted from my face so I’m looking a bit haunted at tha mo with dark
circles under tha eyes, but losing it from my belly is awesome obviously and I
cant remember a time I was this weight so its cool, I’ll certainly try and
maintain it.
Even better news, I received a confirmation letter Saturday
2nd june from my surgeon and cancer specialist to confirm tha mass
was benign and NOT cancer J,
I’d already been told but theres nuthin like seeing it in print. It also stated
that all the other bits they took out turned out to be healthy too, which begs
tha question, do I reply and ask them to stick them all back in? J
Tha recovery is a bit of a nightmare to say tha least but
compared to the alternative outcome I really can’t complain. For every hour I’m
up I seem to have to rest for two or three, I’m breathless, and by around 5 ‘oclock
the pressure in my chest is so great that my muscles cant seem to hold my body
upright any longer and my knees buckle.
The mass was pushing my bowel into my
chest, so I’m hoping that its still just inflamed and sore and once it heals
things will right itself. I have to keep being reminded that the mass didn’t
get THAT huge overnight so it had been doing internal damage for some time and
it will be some time before my body balances itself out again. I’m still having
to go to the docs and get the drainage hole repacked too as its not healing as
it should, and I’m still having to inject myself every day to stop blood clots…only
a week left to go with that then yaaaaaay no more bruised thighs.
Oh and for those of you that warned me that courtesy of
having to have all my lady bits out too I might hit instant menopause with
instant symptoms? HOLY MOLY! You were
right, my thermostat is well and truly buggered, day and night I’m either burning
up and soaking wet, or I’m freezing cold, freezing cold I can handle, its
feeling like I’m in a sauna 24/7 that’s killing me. But I’ll be looking at Yoga
techniques to try and deal with that, so fingers crossed.
Thanx also, to those of you trying to point out positives
that I could now go get jiggy all over tha place and not worry about getting “up
tha duff” lol! I’d like to just point out that being tha clean living woman I am
I’ve never been all over tha place getting jiggy and not about to start now. Some
would probably deem me pretty ol fashioned
in my views but I consider getting jiggy being saved for committed
relationships or marriage and seeing as I’m not about to to either any time
soon, I’ll stick to making music.
That’s not to say that when I’m old(er) and grey(er) I wont
suddenly change my mind and decide to hang loose, only problem is I tend to
have a penchant for older men so at that stage it might be hard to actually
find one with a pulse.
My own Mama is making me rest loads and making sure I don’t overdo
anything ( Please note I refrained from using tha term nag) she’s actually been
a diamond and I know shes doing it for my own sake so that I recover properly
and can get back to doing tha things I love, so cheers for everything mum, luv ya :)
Thanx to all of you too for your concern, kind words, cards and
gifts, I’ve felt truly blessed and everything has been extremely appreciated.
I’ve added a couple of before and after pictures for your
perusal, I couldn’t show tha full wound
as that would mean flashing my lady bits, and having had to get it out for
every Tom, Dick N Harry while in hospital I’m now trying to claw back some
dignity lol! Stay Blessed XXX
Before After
Good to hear you're pulling through and keeping bright and chirpy, Stacy! Don't lose your smile!
ReplyDeleteWow Stacey that sounds such a lot to go through. Take it easy and let your body heal. I am going through surgery in a couple of weeks so not looking toward to It. Keep well x
ReplyDeleteThanx IndieGuild :) looking forward to gettin back on your site. Yep fiona it was about a week before i was aware the M.E was making its presence well and truly known, it really impacted for a day or too and was rather scary and a bit of a shock, i'd been distracted by the Op and had forgotten to some degree until it hit big time, so now i'm getting to grips with all tha conditions again, it will take time but i'll get there. I'll be thinking of you and keepin you in prayer when you have yours, what are you in for if you dont mind me asking? you can always inbox on FB. Big hugs xxx
ReplyDeleteHope Mama Dee is making you REST young lady!
ReplyDeleteNot many would share their story as much as you, hope others appreciate it.