Tell It Like It Is...
Tell it like it is, that’s what I’ve always believed in,
stood by, and live by and even more so when it comes to Ignorance on tha
M.E/Fibromyalgia front. Now, I’m well
aware some find my honesty a little too hard to handle, but I can honestly say
that while being honest I still try to operate with a diplomatic tongue most of
tha time, there’s no need for rudeness, or to be malicious or nasty to someone
( in most cases).
Tha digital age throws up a host of problems however, one
being that as most conversations are done via email and particularly Facebook
these days, what’s written is often left to assumption, and
interpretation and in what seems like an ever growing age of insecurity and
paranoia everyone seems quick to interpret it in a bad light and then WACK! goes
tha delete button without question, or having the courtesy to at least ask.
Those that know me well enough would know that I would never purposely set out
to write something likely to cause extreme hurt to another.
But saying that I’m not a total push over either, my
ignoramous threshold is very high, its had to be, but when it reaches its limit
then it’s a case of everybody duck coz I’m about to BLOOOOOOW! and then your
feelings might just get hurt.
I always make sure I’m aware of what’s coming out of my
mouth, so I have no regret, and I make no appologies for it.
One of the things I’m aware of is how M.E/Fibromyalgia
sufferers are often too scared to speak up for themselves because they’re
worried of upsetting everyone, worried of tha consequences. My question to them
is why?
Whats the worst that could happen? You have
M.E/Fibromyalgia, what could be worse? Why should you have to pander and walk
on egg shells and put up with tha unacceptable, YOU didn’t ask to get ill,
remember that.
I no longer care if its family ,members , friends, medical
professionals, politicians or strangers, I will not be treated badly,
patronised or,humoured, if that upsets people then tough…….are any of these
people worried when they open their mouths and hurt or offend me with their
crass comments? In most cases Nope, of course not. If you’re worried because
tha person treating you badly is your carer, whether it’s a relative or a paid
carer its no excuse, in fact its worse if it’s a family member because their
using your situation to have control over you. And my advice is to kick them to
tha curb, they wouldn’t do it to someone else,
they do it to you because YOU’RE allowing them to get away with it. They
know or think you wouldn’t retaliate in any way because you need them. Well let
me tell you something my strong & beautiful friends, you don’t need them,
in fact they’re probably making your life more toxic and the best thing you can
do is to get rid, unless they’re prepared to change their attitude.
If you’re reading this you’re a survivor, a survivor of M.E,
a survivor of Fibromylagia, and a survivor of all tha other ailments we seem to
collect along the way, look at tha obstacles and challenges you’ve had in your
life, have you really made it this far just to allow someone/anyone to treat
you like crap? No of course you haven’t,
and while dealing with things often seems daunting, you will continue to
survive. Unless you stand up to people, get rid of, delete, then nuthins gonna
change, you may have an illness but You still have control over your life.
While it would take my ignoramous threshold to blow before I
swore at someone for their ignorance I would be quite happy to wear my thoughts
on a t-shirt, theres something about a t-shirt that seems to exonerate you from
all blame “ Its not me its my t-shirt” lol! Inspired by how many of you like to let rip at
your frustrations of family members and tha worlds crass comments and ignorance
and offence in some of the M.E/Fibro groups where we can let off steam in a
safe environment without being judged or told off. I decided to design some
more appropriate “Tell it like is” M.E/Fibromyalgia T-shirts. I’m even
beginning to introduce some based on tha Olympics. All profit made from the sale
of these will be donated to . Please note
that there are some people who may find them offensive……………but hey, who gives a
sh*t? LOL! Stay Blessed Back Before Elvis J XXX
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