
"I'm Not Always Sarcastic, Sometimes I'm Asleep"

 WORD PILOT:-Someone That Likes Making Words Take Flight.

Hi, welcome to the Official Runnin On Empty website. I always try to write and respond with a mixture of diplomatic honesty but there will always be those with their own script who will be offended, however, please bear in mind I'm not a psychologist, my name isn't Disney and life isn't always Zipadeedoodah. Despite a plethora of illness including Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E) I like to Laugh my way through life....sometimes even when I shouldn't, (That's nerves for you?) I also like to think outside the box, Create Motivate, Aspire, Inspire, ramble, rant and quite simply write, oh how I love to write. I live a yogic life here in Watford where I was born and bred, not afraid to stand up, speak out, or stand alone if needs be. Some may view that as being controversial but I don't pay lip service....I also don't do Diets, they're bad for you, the clue is in the first three letters? A Diploma  in Sarcasm, Jackass of all trades, mistress of none.    Enjoy?

P.S  Or Not? 

The Runnin On Empty logo represents never giving up, "keep on keepin'on" whether young or old we all have life challenges. 

We're not our body, It's just a vehicle to get us around while we're here. We're not humans having a spiritual experience, we're spirits having a human experience and that's why It's often so hard to be here on earth. From the moment we're born our story begins and our journey is like a book.  Life is a College with millions of subjects  and with each  chapter we learn new lessons. The thing to remember is Life can change in a heartbeat and we never know what's just around the next corner, so we owe it to ourselves given the chance, to live out our final chapter and journeys end, not only to find out who we grow to be, but to try and be the best that we can be  and leave a positive mark before we leave? Not everyone is given that privilege.  Life is short, Be Loving, Be Kind and hold a hand or two along the way if somebody should need it, and on those days when you're feeling weary and beaten remember that you are amazing to have got this far, sadly not everybody does. Know that you've got this and just  "Keep On Keepin'On"  . But if ever you forget, just hit me up on social media and I'll be happy to remind you.  
                                                          Forever a Life Sudent
                                                                Stay Blessed X   

Please Note I am not on Instagram and the account runninonempty0000 is no longer me . My account was hacked by a Russian Bot and despite giving Instagram and Facebook everything bar a Urine sample they've refused to give it back. I think the next word I'm looking for is Cockwombles?   

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